Well, the die is cast, the forms fill out and the editing all done. My latest short story An Act Of Treason, will be released on January 24th. It will be available from the publisher (Museitup Publishing), Amazon, as well as most of the other recognized retailers. It’s in eBook form, and can be read on all the devices designed by the agile human mind. You can have a pre-publication peek (PPP) at: https://museituppublishing.com/bookstore/index.php/our-authors/63-our-authors/authors-m/190-charles-mossop
Check out the cover art. It’s simple, but perfect for the story. I think they did a terrific job.
On another subject, the manuscript of my third novel, The Golden Phoenix, was submitted last month, and I await news on that with the traditional bated breath.
Best of the New Year to everyone,
Is it possible for me to read your short stories of the British navy on the internet? -- bandz